NetInstall is a program that allows you to install MikroTiK RouterOS on a dedicated PC or RouterBoard via Ethernet network. All you need is a blank floppy or an Ethernet device that supports PXE (like RouterBoard 100, RouterBoard 200 and RouterBoard 500 series), an Ethernet network between workstation and dedicated computer, and a serial null-modem console cable (for RouterBoard routers).
The program runs on Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10.
Netinstall parameters:
- Routers/Drives - in this list you can see all the devices waiting for installation.
- Software ID - a unique ID that is generated for licensing purposes.
- Key - a key that is generated for the Software ID. When you purchase a license, you get a key file. Click the Browse... button next to the key field to select your key file.
- Get Key... - obtain software key from MikroTIK server:
- Software ID - ID for which the key will be generated (depending on the license level).
- Username - client's username in the Account data base.
- Password - client's password.
- Level - license level of RouterOS.
- Debit key - a key that you have paid for, but haven't generated yet.
- Debit money - money that you have on your account. To add money to your account, use the 'add debit' link in the account server.
- Credit key - a key that you can take now, but pay later.
- Credit money - paying with credit money allows you to get your keys now and pay for them later.
- Keep old configuration - used for reinstalling the software. If checked, the old configuration on the router will not be overwritten, otherwise it will be lost.
- IP address/mask - address with subnet mask that will be assigned to ether1 interface after the packages are installed.
- Gateway - specifies the default gateway (static route).
- Baud rate - this baud rate will be set for serial console (bps).
- Configure script - a RouterOS script to execute after the package installation. Note that not all the devices (especially, wireless cards) may be discovered at the time this script is run, so it is suggested to put a delay (about 20 seconds) at the start of the script to be sure that all devices are up and running.
- Make floppy - make a bootable NetInstall floppy.
- Net booting - opens the Network Booting Settings window. Enter an IP address from your local network. This address will be temporarily assigned to the computer where RouterOS will be installed on.
- Install - installs the RouterOS on a computer.
- Cancel - cancel the installation.
- Sets - an entry in this list represents the choice of packages selected to install from a directory. If you want to make your own set, browse for a folder that contains packages (*.npk files), select needed packages in the list, and press the Save set button.
- From - type the directory where your packages are stored or press the Browse... button to select the directory.
- Select all - selects all packages in the list
- Select none - unselects all packages in the list
Note: some of the Get key... parameters could not be available for all account types.